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Weight loss in Clinical Practice

This webinar will discuss the factors contributing to weigh gain, the obstacles to weight loss and strategies to help your clients overcome them.
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What's included?

This webinar will discuss the factors contributing to excess weigh gain, such as altered neurochemistry and dysfunctional relationships with food, as well as the obstacles to sustainable weight loss and strategies to help your clients overcome them.

You will learn:

  • Differences in the mindset of female and male dieters
  • The drivers behind overeating, such as childhood conditioning and negative emotions
  • The impact of 'junk food' consumption on dopamine receptors and cravings intensity
  • The importance of helping your weigh loss clients understand their altered brain chemistry, which causes them to overeat
  • The challenges of maintaining weight loss and strategies to support it
  • What is the 'eating pause' and why it is important to teach your clients to recognize it
  • How to use the Hunger and Fullness Scale and the Dutch Eating Questionnaire as clinical tools
Meet your host

Rhian Jones

Rhian Jones is the Nutrition Director for the College of Naturopathic Medicine and a practicing Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist. She has a wealth of experience lecturing and running a busy clinic where she combines multiple modalities, including iridology, to help clients suffering from chronic illness. She has a special interest in obesity and is a sought-after expert on weight loss.
Patrick Jones - Course author