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Supporting Your Client’s Hydration Needs
Roddy has been involved in water treatment for the last 25 years, firstly in industrial waste water treatment and then in bringing the benefits of health giving drinking water direct to clients. Roddy is a firm believer that proper hydration and good nutrition can make an enormous contribution to improving people’s health.
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Lesson series
What's included?
Learning Outcomes:
1. Our Body's requirement for Water.
2. The merits or otherwise of tap, bottled and filtered water and some of the options for the latter.
3. Chemicals in our water. A brief look at the merits and downside of fluoridation.
4. The characteristics of healthy water - as opposed to just clean water.
5 Molecular hydrogen rich water and its benefits for human health.
6. Water Structure and its benefits for our health in these challenging times.
7. How can we capitalise on recent advances in water science to benefit our health and the health of our clients.
1. Our Body's requirement for Water.
2. The merits or otherwise of tap, bottled and filtered water and some of the options for the latter.
3. Chemicals in our water. A brief look at the merits and downside of fluoridation.
4. The characteristics of healthy water - as opposed to just clean water.
5 Molecular hydrogen rich water and its benefits for human health.
6. Water Structure and its benefits for our health in these challenging times.
7. How can we capitalise on recent advances in water science to benefit our health and the health of our clients.
Meet your host
Roddy MacDonald
Patrick Jones - Course author