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Lactoferrin - the multi-talent for our immune system

Kira Schümmer presents you this multifunctional immunoprotein with its mechanisms of action, its therapeutic indications and applications.
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Lactoferrin has recently gained more attention. For decades this protein of the innate immune system was primarily known as an antimicrobial iron chelator. Nowadays, numerous studies not only show the broad efficacy of this protein against various pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2, but also diverse anti-inflammatory as well as immune modulating characteristics. Furthermore, it can promote gut health and profoundly ameliorate inflammation-induced iron deficiency. These discoveries broaden lactoferrin’s therapeutic potential, making it a vital part in every practitioner’s toolbox.

Kira Schümmer presents you this multifunctional immunoprotein with its mechanisms of action, its therapeutic indications and applications.
Meet your host

Kira Schümmer

Patrick Jones - Course author